It’s that time again, when a fresh start to the year has many looking for a fresh start in their lives. Resolutions to end bad habits and undertake beneficial new ones abound. It’s a good thing that you plan to finally start that daily exercise routine, but what about your practice?
As you reflect on yourself, it’s also a good time to reflect on your practice. Does it have any “bad habits” that it needs to quit? What sorts of new “routines” could it benefit from? Many dentists spend time all year round thinking about what they could be doing differently, but the beginning of a new year is the perfect time to more actively engage in strategic planning.
Perhaps your current level of production requires a rethink of your staffing ratio or scheduling process to alleviate the stress on your team, or maybe your purchasing decisions have resulted in an out-of-control inventory that could benefit from better product selection. read more
Source: Inside Dentistry